Unlike many factories who buy materials in from 3rd parties and extrude using recycled pellets (not virgin powder), our factory is large scale and extrudes the materials themselves. This means we control our supply chain and can guarantee the highest quality in raw materials and construction.We differ too in paint process. Most factories apply paint by hand in an un-contained environment. The quality of finish this way, depends on the skill of the operator and his attention to detail. Our factory paint all materials by machine in a contained environment, which guarantees a high quality finish every time. They use a with a UV inhibitor to provide a hard-wearing finish for maximum durability throughout everyday use.
Freshly painted components are cured for 48 hours in heated rooms, then wrapped in a protective film that is removed only after assembly is complete and prior to packaging. This minimises any risk of damage throughout manufacture and maintains the quality of the finish from the very start of the process right though to installation in your home.
Every panel is co-extruded with metal inserts for strength and durability and constructed with high strength joints. All frames are assembled with tough nylon keys and screws, which means the shutter won’t sag, split, crack or warp. A claim we stand by with our fully transferable 25 year warranty.
Opus Polymer is available in a wide range of modern flat stile and frame options as well as traditional beaded choices, with 7 modern paint colours to choose from. The 64mm, 89mm or 114mm louvres close both upward or downward into the “Euro-close” top and bottom rail system, which provides you with maximum flexibility for control of light and air flow. Traditional standard close option is also available.
Shutters are available in hinged or bifold hinged panels with non-mortise hinges, track bifold and sliding shutters, and a variety of special shapes. Track systems include clear anodised aluminium top and bottom track with high quality hardware, and box out boards are made from the same quality polymer extrusion with a machine painted finish.